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Top 10 Neymar Jr. Skills to Learn


Neymar Jr. has captivated the football world with his exceptional skills, flair, and creativity on the pitch. As one of the most talented players of his generation, Neymar’s unique style of play has inspired countless aspiring footballers to hone their own skills. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top 10 Neymar Jr. skills that every player should strive to learn and master.

Mastering Neymar’s Signature Skills

1. The Neymar Exit

Neymar Exit

The Neymar Exit is a clever maneuver that allows you to escape pressure and maintain possession of the ball. It involves a sudden change of direction, tricking the defender into committing to a tackle before accelerating a way.

To execute the Neymar Exit

Football Dribbling Techniques
Step Description
Receive the Ball Start with the ball at your feet and your back to the goal.
Assess the Situation Look around to see how close the defenders are.
Perform a Feint Use a small touch or body feint to trick the nearest defender.
Create Space As the defender commits, pivot away quickly.
Accelerate Use your momentum to burst into the opposite direction.
Maintain Control Keep the ball close as you break free from the pressure.
Look for Options Scan the field for passing opportunities or space to dribble forward.

2. The Stepover Cut

The Stepover Cut

The Stepover Cut is a versatile move that can be used in various situations. It’s particularly effective when you have space to maneuver and want to create separation from a defender.

To perform the Stepover Cut

Dribbling Move Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender at a slight angle.
Set Up the Move Position the ball slightly in front of you.
Execute Stepovers Perform a series of rapid stepovers, crossing one foot over the other.
Read the Defender Observe how the defender reacts to your feints.
Make the Cut Just as the defender commits, sharply cut the ball in the opposite direction.
Use the Right Foot Utilize the inside or outside of your foot for the cut.
Accelerate Away Quickly burst away from the defender, maintaining control of the ball.

3. The Reverse Elastico

Reverse Elastico

The Reverse Elastico is a deceptive skill that can catch defenders off guard. Use it when you have the defender committed to one side and want to quickly change direction.

To execute the Reverse Elastico

Dribbling Move Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender, leading them to anticipate your move.
Push the Ball Use the inside of your foot to push the ball in one direction.
Create Illusion Make it look like you’re going to continue in that direction.
Pull Back Quickly pull the ball back with the outside of the same foot.
Change Direction As you pull back, change your body direction to evade the defender.
Accelerate Away Burst into space, maintaining control of the ball.
Look for Opportunities After evading the defender, scan for teammates or space to exploit.

4. The Neymar Chop

Stepover Cut

The Neymar Chop is a signature move that showcases Neymar Jr.’s exceptional dribbling ability and creativity. This skill is particularly effective in one-on-one situations, allowing players to evade defenders and create space for shots or passes. By mastering the Neymar Chop, you can add a powerful tool to your dribbling arsenal.

How to Execute the Neymar Chop

Follow these steps to master the Neymar Chop

Dribbling Technique Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender at a controlled pace. Make sure to keep the ball close to your feet.
Set Up the Move As you near the defender, position the ball slightly in front of you. Keep your body balanced and ready to pivot.
Use the Sole of Your Foot With your dominant foot, place the sole on top of the ball. Drag the ball back towards you, using your foot to control it.
Pivot Away As you drag the ball back, pivot on your non-dominant foot. Turn your body in the opposite direction of the defender.
Accelerate After completing the chop, push the ball forward with your dominant foot. Accelerate away from the defender, maintaining close control of the ball.
Look for Opportunities Once you’ve created space, scan the field for passing options or a chance to shoot.

5. The Triangle Technique

Triangle Technique

The Triangle Technique is a dynamic skill used by Neymar Jr. that emphasizes teamwork, quick passing, and movement off the ball. This technique is particularly effective in tight spaces, allowing players to maintain possession while creating opportunities for attacking plays. By mastering the Triangle Technique, you can enhance your ability to work with teammates and navigate through defensive pressure.

How to Execute the Triangle Technique

Follow these steps to master the Triangle Technique

Football Positioning Table
Step Description
Positioning Form a triangle with two teammates, ensuring that each player is spaced appropriately. The triangle should be close enough to allow for quick passes but far enough to avoid easy interceptions.
Initial Pass One player (Player A) starts with the ball and passes it to one of the teammates (Player B). Ensure the pass is firm and accurate to maintain momentum.
Movement After passing, Player A should immediately move to create space and position themselves for a return pass. Player B receives the ball and quickly looks for Player C, who should also be moving to create an option.
Quick Exchanges Player B passes to Player C while Player A continues to move into space. Player C can either pass back to Player A or make a forward pass, depending on the situation.
Maintain the Triangle As the ball moves, all players should adjust their positions to maintain the triangular shape. This allows for continuous passing options and keeps defenders guessing.
Exploit Space If the defenders commit to one player, the other players can exploit the space created by their movement. Look for opportunities to break through the defense with quick, decisive passes.

6. The Double Stepover

Double Stepover

The Double Stepover is an electrifying skill move that showcases a player’s agility, creativity, and ability to deceive defenders. This technique is one of Neymar Jr.’s signature moves, allowing him to create space and opportunities in tight situations. It’s particularly effective in one-on-one situations and can be used to create space for a shot or a pass.

How to Execute the Double Stepover

Follow these steps to master the Double Stepover

Dribbling Move Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender at a controlled pace, keeping the ball close to your feet. Ensure you are at a distance where you can make a decisive move.
First Stepover As you near the defender, use your dominant foot to step over the ball. Swing your foot around the ball while shifting your body weight to the opposite side. This should create the illusion that you are going to move in that direction.
Second Stepover Immediately follow up with a second stepover using your non-dominant foot. Again, shift your weight to the opposite side of the ball, further deceiving the defender. Make sure both stepovers are quick and fluid, maintaining the momentum.
Change Direction After completing the second stepover, quickly push the ball in the direction you want to go. Use the inside or outside of your dominant foot to accelerate away from the defender.
Exploit the Space As you change direction, look for space to either take a shot, make a pass, or continue dribbling. Keep your head up to assess your options and make quick decisions.

7. The Fenomeno


The Fenomeno is a dazzling skill move that highlights a player’s agility, creativity, and ability to outsmart defenders. Made famous by Brazilian football legend Ronaldo Nazário, this move has been embraced by Neymar Jr. and many other players. The Fenomeno is particularly effective in one-on-one situations, allowing you to change direction quickly and leave defenders guessing. It’s an excellent way to create space for a shot or pass, especially in tight situations.

How to Execute the Fenomeno

Follow these steps to master the Fenomeno

Dribbling Move Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender at a moderate pace, keeping the ball close to your feet. Ensure you are at a distance where you can make a decisive move.
Feint to One Side As you near the defender, use your body to feint in one direction. Shift your weight and lean slightly to one side to sell the fake.
Touch the Ball Quickly touch the ball with the outside of your foot in the direction you feinted. This initial touch should be subtle but convincing enough to make the defender believe you are going that way.
Change Direction Immediately pull the ball back with the inside of the same foot, changing direction sharply. Use your body to pivot and accelerate in the opposite direction, leaving the defender behind.
Exploit the Space As you change direction, look for space to either take a shot, make a pass, or continue dribbling. Keep your head up to assess your options and make quick decisions.

8. The Rainbow Flick

Rainbow Flick

The Rainbow Flick is an eye-catching skill move that showcases a player’s creativity, flair, and technical ability. Popularized by various football legends, including Neymar Jr., this move is particularly effective for evading defenders and adding a touch of style to your gameplay. 

How to Execute the Rainbow Flick

Follow these steps to master the Rainbow Flick

Flick Technique Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender at a moderate pace, ensuring the ball is close to your feet. Make sure you have enough space behind you to execute the flick.
Position the Ball As you near the defender, position the ball slightly behind your standing foot. This setup is crucial for a successful flick.
Flick the Ball Use the inside of your dominant foot to push the ball backward, while simultaneously using the heel of your opposite foot to flick the ball upwards. The motion should be quick and fluid, resembling a backward kick.
Follow Through As the ball rises, turn your body to follow the ball and run in the direction you want to go. Be ready to accelerate as the ball goes over your head.
Exploit the Space As you pass the defender, regain control of the ball and look for options to either shoot or pass. Keep your head up to assess the field and make quick decisions.

9. The Triangle Turn

Triangle Turn

The Triangle Turn is a versatile skill move that combines elements of the Stepover and the Maradona Turn. Popularized by Neymar Jr, this technique allows players to change direction quickly and efficiently while maintaining possession of the ball. By mastering the Triangle Turn, you can enhance your ability to navigate tight spaces, evade defenders, and create goal-scoring opportunities.

How to Execute the Triangle Turn

Follow these steps to master the Triangle Turn

Dribbling Move Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender at a controlled pace, keeping the ball close to your feet. Ensure you have enough space to execute the turn.
Set Up the Move As you near the defender, position the ball slightly in front of you. Keep your body balanced and ready to pivot.
Stepover Use your dominant foot to step over the ball, creating the illusion of a change in direction. Shift your weight to the opposite side of the ball.
Pivot Quickly pivot on your non-dominant foot, turning your body in the desired direction. As you pivot, use your dominant foot to push the ball in the new direction.
Accelerate After completing the turn, push the ball forward with your dominant foot. Accelerate away from the defender, maintaining close control of the ball.
Look for Opportunities Once you’ve created space, scan the field for passing options or a chance to shoot.

10. The Tornado Flick

Tornado Flick

The Tornado Flick is an impressive and flashy skill move that showcases a player’s creativity, agility, and technical ability. Made famous by Neymar Jr. and other football legends, this move is particularly effective for evading defenders and adding an element of surprise to your gameplay. By mastering the Tornado Flick, you can elevate your dribbling skills and become a more dynamic player on the pitch.

How to Execute the Tornado Flick

Follow these steps to master the Tornado Flick

Dribbling Move Table
Step Description
Approach the Defender Dribble towards the defender at a moderate pace, keeping the ball close to your feet. Ensure you have enough space behind you to execute the flick.
Position the Ball As you near the defender, position the ball slightly in front of you, ideally at the center of your body. This setup is crucial for a successful flick.
Prepare for the Spin Shift your weight onto your dominant foot and prepare to pivot. Keep your knees slightly bent and your body balanced.
Execute the Flick Use the inside of your dominant foot to push the ball slightly behind you. Simultaneously, spin your body in the opposite direction, using your non-dominant foot to flick the ball upwards and over your head.
Follow Through As the ball rises, turn your body to follow the ball and run in the direction you want to go. Be ready to accelerate as the ball goes over your head.
Exploit the Space As you pass the defender, regain control of the ball and look for options to either shoot or pass. Keep your head up to assess the field and make quick decisions.

People also ask

1.How did Neymar learn his skills?

Neymar attributed futsal to have a great influence on his development expressing that futsal improved his skills, techniques, speed, and reflexes. Futsal he emphasized how fast paced game as well as playing in a small hall improved his football skills.

2.Neymar best skills and goals?

Neymar Jr have made a total of 763 professional matches and scored total of 476 goals.

3.How many skills does Neymar have?

Ronaldo stood out for his athletic, scoring and acrobatic skills while Neymar is identified with dribble, trickery and ingenuity. Each of the players has his or her strengths that they can implement on the field.

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